Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hidden Cameras

There are two main reasons for the need to use a hidden camera today. One is that the economy has driven many people to commit crimes in business places and private homes. Another primary reason for hidden cameras in the home is that there are people who want to get into your home and harm your children or the elderly. These people will operate under the disguise of a caretaker or baby sitter. Another problem is the tremendous wealth of private information about individuals available today, to the public, so that someone might know at all times who you are and where you are at any moment. This information can make you vulnerable to crime in your home or business.

The hidden camera, nanny cam, spy camera, secret camera or home video surveillance camera is a video camera that is disguised as another object. These small video cameras have tremendous resolution, yet are small enough to hide in a radio, smoke detector, mirror or many other familiar objects that would be in a room. Hidden Cameras can be used not only in the home, but commercially or industrially as security cameras.

Today a hidden camera can record video for viewing at a later time or connected to the internet for viewing from anywhere in the world at real-time. To connect to the internet you simply need a small device called a USB DVR - Digital Video Recorder. This device connects directly to your camera and your computer to make your video available on the internet. An IP Camera does not require a USB DVR, but is hard to disguise because of its size.

The next choice to make is do you want a wireless or wired camera system? A wired system is just what it sounds like; you take a wire from the camera to your DVR or computer to transmit the signal. A wired system is not limited by distance, but the wires need to be concealed. A wireless system has a range from the camera to the DVR or computer or between 75 feet and 250 feet or more under normal conditions.

I've mentioned a DVR, and most of us are familiar with the DVR (digital video recorder) connecting our cable TV or a TiVo DVR recorder. A security DVR connects your camera or cameras by wire or wirelessly to your computer or a monitor to view what the camera views. A DVR can record the video on the computer's hard drive or on a memory card so you have a permanent record if needed for proof or prosecution. The DVR can be motion activated so you conserve recording space and you are not recording when there is nothing to record.

The Quad Processor or HDMI Splitter is a device that allows you to view more than one camera image on a video monitor. Usually the Quad will split the image into 4 separate camera views on one monitor. When using a video surveillance system with a Quad and video monitor, someone is usually watching the monitor, such as a security guard.

A wireless home video surveillance camera system will require a transmitter at the camera and a receiver at the computer or DVR. Hidden cameras primarily use 2.4 GHz as a frequency, so it will not interfere with other common household wireless devices. Hidden cameras today usually have the camera and transmitter together inside the object such as a radio, clock, smoke detector or other object you have chosen for your home or office.

A person can buy a wired hidden camera for just over $100 and get good resolution and the option of recording on a DVR or broadcasting on the internet. However there are systems that have the camera, DVR and memory card all-in-one unit, so you can place the object on a table or bookshelf and just plug it into an outlet for power. No other wires to expose its purpose, and usually the radio, lamp or fan used to hide the hidden camera works normally as any other radio, lamp or fan.

Every situation and location has different needs that must be analyzed before the purchase of a hidden camera. Just buying the most expensive hidden camera with DVR may not be what you will need. The determining factor is not price, but location and purpose. Monitoring your home while away on vacation with an all-in-one hidden camera with DVR recording on a memory card may not monitor your home in real-time. A hidden camera connected to the internet with a USB DVR would be less expensive, and give you the ability to monitor your home from anywhere in the world on your laptop computer.

Review all your options before purchasing your nanny cam, hidden camera or video surveillance camera for your home or business. Remember also that in court there is no better evidence than a video recording of a crime or abuse.

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How Is Your Personal Data Protected Online? The Law

With the rise in online activities such as social networking, shopping and banking, we now share vast amounts of information on the internet, personal and non-personal, but it should ultimately be down to each individual as to how much information they may want to disclose and what it is used for.

Why Your Information is Wanted Data is a valuable commodity with many online business including the giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon effectively trading on its value to power their advertising revenues and marketing strategies. These companies use profiling information to target their audiences more specifically for each product and service they are promoting. The more accurate the profile is the better they can judge whether the individual is likely to convert, i.e., respond to the advert and buy the product. How much information you disclose to these companies is ultimately down to personal choice and it may be that you are willing give more away in return for more personalised services. The common pitfall for online users when signing up for services they want, is to be tempted or encouraged into giving a little extra away without really realising it.

However, personal information is also used for more nefarious means by people in the criminal world, creating stolen or fake identities under which they commit crimes, most commonly fraud. If you're not careful you can leave a trail of personal information on the internet which can be obtained and aggregated by anyone without any need to break the law. Many cyber criminals, though, also resort to illegal tactics such as phishing (emails which misguide you and encourage you to visit a fake site and supply personal information), pharming (where people try to redirect you to fake sites while surfing the net) and malware (viruses which can steal information stored on computers or log activity such as the keystrokes for passwords)

Data Protection Act It is easy to see that attempts to steal your information would be classed as illegal but there are also laws that govern the appropriate use of data that you have willingly supplied online.

In the UK we are protected by the Data Protection Act. This act applies to all information whether paper based or electronic and at the heart of it is the stipulation that organisations can only use the personal information they have gathered for the explicit purpose for which you supplied it (this doesn't apply to non-personal/non-identifiable information). To that end there are further specific principles such as the requirement that data is not held longer than is required for its purpose and that it is kept secure and accurate.

Organisations can however ask for permission to use your information for other purposes when you first supply it. You'll often find that when you provide your name and email as part of a purchase process for example there is a checkbox asking if the same data can be used for marketing purposes too. The key is to be aware of what you are agreeing to - unfortunately that may mean reading the small print.

Privacy and Electronic Communications You are also protected by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations which cover the information that organisations use for marketing, data about online behaviour and data on user preferences. The regulations compliment the data protection act, providing more detailed guidance for online marketing, ensuring that your information, whether explicitly obtained or gleaned from online activity, cannot be retained, traded and used for any purpose that you are not benefiting from or have not agreed to. This applies even when the data can't be used to identify you (e.g., a company just has your telephone number which they want to use for marketing purposes).

A recent update to the regulation in May 2011 tightened up the rules on cookies in particular. Cookies are the temporary files that a site can leave on your computer to help 'remember' you when you next visit the site. There are many different types of cookie ranging from those which contain no other information other than you have (or your computer has) been on the site before, to those that remember particular preferences. The majority will not contain any identifiable sensitive personal information. However, because they have often be deployed without much awareness from the end user, the new directive requires that you are initially asked to explicitly agree (to opt in) to each site that wants to use them when you first visit the site. You must also be provided with a sufficient level of information as to what the cookie will do and what information it holds before you do so.

There are of course those who will break the law either with the intention of committing further crimes such as identity theft and fraud or just to improve their business prospects. Part 2 of this article will look at what technology can help us stay secure.

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What You Really Ought to Know About Internet Safety for Kids

Living without having access to the internet these days would be hard to imagine. On any given day you'll find over 40 million people browsing the web just to pass time, have fun, connect with friends or just hang out. A large percentage of these web browsers are children, and with that comes a responsibility to provide Internet safety for kids.

There are millions of websites to visit and explore, several ways to waste time and also get in trouble! Just as in the non-internet world there are people out there who will try to take advantage of you.

I'm sure you've already heard the stories about those kids who have gotten into trouble in chat rooms. It's very easy for users to remain completely anonymous and ask visitors (kids) information about their families, where they live and their phone number just to name a few. This type of information should never be given away.

Unfortunately there are several predators that make a living by taking this information and use is to harm a family's property, steal financial information and even as disgusting as it sounds start inappropriate relationships with children.

However, the internet is home to a multitude of websites you can and should visit. It is home to an endless supply of information. It is great for research, homework and you can even check out what college you may be interested in going to when you graduate.

When you're surfing the web you are going to need to learn how to protect yourself, your family and your children when you're online. The key is to practice smart and safe web surfing, and here are some Internet safety tips for kids:

· Remain anonymous

· Keep all your private information safe and secure

· Never, ever give out your Full name

· Home address

· Phone number

· Passwords

· Social security number

· Credit card numbers

· Names of your family members

Make sure that you think carefully when you make your e-mail address or screen name. Most experts will recommend that you make a combination of numbers and letters to provide extra security and not identify if you're a male or female. As well as using a nickname that is different from your screen name.

If your kids choose to have an online friendship, make sure that it is kept in the web world. When you meet your online friends face to face there are a lot of dangerous situations that can develop, because it's easy to pretend to be someone or something that they are not. If your child is in a chat room where they feel uncomfortable or in danger for any reason they need to exit immediately.

Don't be alarmed though, most people and companies are responsible and legit. There is also parental control software available for you to buy and install on your computer, to keep your kids and family safe. Internet safety for kids is the duty of every parent, family member, concerned citizen as well as just being the right thing to do.

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Don't Give Attackers a Chance by Leveraging Strong Authentication to Combat Data Breaches

Evolution and adaptation are the topics of discussion when it comes to data breaches, but why is it that we are growing or changing for incidents that have already happened? Is it really easier to react than it is to be proactive in enhancing an organization's security? After a company loses confidential documents, whether to data breaches or careless efforts, most organizations only start to change their information technology security when responding to the data breaches or attacks.

When it comes to confidential customer information a more proactive approach is better if you want to keep you customers happy and safe. Utilizing electronic documents combined with two-factor authentication, or also called strong authentication, offers both the portability and privacy an organization needs. Privacy concerns can ruin a relationship between an organization and consumers if the proper care is not taken to ensure a person's privacy. Not only does a consumer lose confidence in their security with an organization, an organization can also be fined for not having the proper security measures in place. So why would an organization ever take the chance of exposing confidential data by not properly securing it?

In recent news, a doctor at an established hospital in Boston lost an external hard drive which contained 638 files of confidential patient information. This is not your typical data breach because a hacker never tried to plan an attack. However, information on the physician's device could potentially be harmful to the privacy of patients. Technically, the doctor did put his patients at risk, however, the amount of risk was minimal, but that is not to say preventative measures could not have been taken. Had the doctor utilized electronic medical records stored on a server that is protected by two-factor authentication there would have less likely been a chance of a data breach.

A common need for medical physicians is to access medical records at any given time is why the doctor had the documents on a portable storage device. Encryption is the usual defense for hardware security however there are many chances of something happening to a device, it being hacked or even damage to the information on it. Beyond that, encryption will never change or grow in the amount of security it offers unless you constantly update your encryption software. Eventually, confidential data could be accessed even if it had been encrypted.

Storing information on a secure server using strong authentication could be the most effective way of accessing confidential data remotely and securely. Not only does using a secure server with strong authentication offer a higher level of protection, but it is more cost effective than many approaches that do not even offer the same level of security. You would never have to worry about losing a portable device and the chances of a hacker based data breach would be almost nonexistent. Also, all the information stored on the server is always up-to-date because even though one person is not in the office, the servers are often maintained and running.

Using a secure server using two factor authentication to store sensitive information drastically lowers the chance of losing, damaging or misplacing containing confidential data compared to storing it on a device like an external hard drive. Two-factor authentication reduces the risk of an organization losing sensitive health information and it minimizes the chance of a patient's health information being compromised. If there were a data breach or information was lost it would only reflect poorly on the organization and the hardware used to create and secure the data. Using two factor authentication, there would not be an instance of an individual losing a device in the first place, but more importantly it would eliminate possible malware that could record and transmit confidential data.

Preventing an attack does not always depend on technology although it does prevent some forms of data loss. Never let attackers take a chance with your encrypted files by storing confidential data on storage devices. By utilizing secure services and by utilizing two-factor authentication, you can access your electronic information securely all while staying compliant with industry rules and regulations such as HIPAA and FFIEC which require forms of strong authentication.

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Do Free Anonymizing Services Protect Everything?

Free anonymizing proxies are available all over the Internet. There are programs that you install on your computer to access these proxies and there are proxies that you can access over a webpage. What these services do is secure your IP address so that you cannot be directly traced when you visit a website. These are actually very handy for most users. If you're only worried about one particular website getting your IP address - one that might be associated with adware, for example - using one of these anonymizing proxies is probably fine. There are some things that you should seriously consider about anonymizing services, however, before you use them for anything serious.

They're Software Specific

If you're using some of the more popular anonymizing services that you employ by installing software on your computer, there's an important caveat that you should be aware of. These services actually only protect traffic that comes from and to your browser. They are, in fact, specific to a particular piece of software on your computer. Consider the following example of how these services do not protect you.

If you installed one of these services on your computer and visited a website on your Internet browser with the anonymizing proxy turned on, your IP address would be up secured. It would be extremely difficult for anybody to trace your IP address back to you and, if they weren't doing it while you are actually on the site, it may well be impossible for them to do so. Imagine, however, that at the website you hook up to the address of an FTP server where you want to download software or other files. The anonymizing proxy would not protect the connection that you are making with your FTP server, in all likelihood. This means that your real IP address would show up plain as day on the logs for the FTP server.

A VPN network protects every type of traffic that originates from your computer. Whether you access a resource from your Internet browser, your FTP program, your e-mail client or anything else, that traffic will be routed through the VPN, it will be anonymized and it will be encrypted. In this regard, VPN services are orders of magnitude more secure.

They Can Fail

When you subscribe to a paid VPN service, there is a company behind the service that is responsible for making certain that you are getting the product that you're paying for. In some cases, free anonymizing services are worth every penny that you pay for them. If something goes wrong with the free service you're using, there's nobody to call, there's no tech support other than what you might find on forums and there's no way to actually test the software to make certain that it's working. With a VPN service, if you have doubts about whether it's working or not, you can simply call the service provider, have them test the software or take whatever other action is needed to make certain that you are, in fact, browsing securely.

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Get to Know More About Intego Internet Security Barrier X6 for Mac OS X

With a large number of online threats hovering over your computer it becomes reasonably difficult to protect your PC from threats like viruses, malware, worms, Trojans etc. Statistics reveal that majority of PC problems occur due to virus infections and issues caused thereby. To deal with such a situation, the Intego Internet Security Barrier X6 offers you comprehensive security for your Mac computer running on Mac OS X operating system.

Your Mac OSX embraces discrete design and programs and it is not wise to use any ordinary security program for your PC. You should opt for a program that is compatible with your operating system and enables you to use your PC without any hassles. Intego Internet Security Barrier X6 has been designed keeping in mind the compatibility issues that can arise with Mac OS X.

This is why this particular security option is appropriate for your PC. This comprehensive security suite comes with the following features:

• Anti-phishing • Network protection • Anti-spyware • Firewall • Backup and anti-spam programs • Parental control for your Mac and many more.

Why would you need the Intego Internet Security Barrier X6?

Cyber criminals work with the malicious intent of stealing important data, infecting your system and impounding your online activities; are always on the prowl. Authors of viruses, Trojan horses, malware are releasing their agents in the form of these threats to disrupt your smooth computing experience. New techniques are being devised by these people to infect and overpower your Mac. Considering this, it becomes clear that having a security program just to prevent malware or network attacks is not enough to keep your Mac safe. You need a comprehensive security program like Intego Internet Security Barrier X6 that can offer foolproof security to your Mac from all the above mentioned threats.

Why the Intego Internet Security Barrier X6 is superior

Comparing two security programs is a complicated task for any Internet user. This article will help you understand how your Mac remains fully protected with Intego. This security program is an outcome of extensive research on online threats. It has more than 200 new features to improve its compatibility with Mac OSX.

Some innovative features that you can count upon are:

• Multiple technique of threat detection • Complete range of functions to protect from malware • Features for backup and antispam • Mac parental control.

Thus it is not far from the conclusion that Intego Internet Security Barrier is tailor-made for your system running on Mac OSX. The above-listed new and improved features would aid in keeping your Mac safe from all kinds of malware attacks, network related-threats and many other associated security issues that might lead to OSX malfunctioning.

Security programs that keep your Mac safe and protected

Intego Internet Security Barrier X6 is a dedicated security program for your OSX-based Mac computer. These programs weave a virtual veil around the system's network which nullifies the malicious intentions of online threats:

• Content protection with ContentBarrier 10.6 • File security with FileGuard 10.6 • Complete virus protection with VirusBarrier X6 • Comprehensive data backup with Personal Backup 10.6.

You will find that the Intego Internet Security Barrier X6 working absolutely smoothly with the Mac OSX but issues cannot be ruled out entirely. An inappropriate installation or wrong settings of your PC can cause a lot of trouble. In such cases the best way of getting out is to call an experienced computer support service provider.

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Online Safety Tips - Protect Your Computer From Virus Attacks

The vulnerability of viruses and Trojans online is certainly increasing and since safety from such threats is pivotal, you will need the best antivirus software to protect your computer. If not treated wisely, viruses can hamper your work quality and the speed of your PC and may even successfully manage to make way to all your personal information online. There are even virus threats that can be so hazardous for your PC that it can even destroy its hardware. The best way to get rid of malicious programs and hackers is by installing an antivirus program that best suits your PC's requirements. A convenient way to protect it from threats is by downloading it from a reputed and authentic site.

Computer virus protection software will easily read the signature from all files and folders and will register entries in a system before finding and removing infected files. Virus removal software frequently runs a check on infected files and repairs your computer for better usage. Here are a few tips to save your system from virus threats:

1- Avoid downloading files and folders that are attached from an unknown source. It's possible that you will receive some undelivered emails. If you reply with the attachment that pretends like your undelivered email, this may release some kind of viruses.

2- Stay away from clicking on doubtful links as it's possible that they are infectious viruses and spywares. They may be repacked to appear like something you want, so take extra caution when clicking. Risks involved with such advertisements and links could lead to viruses and other threats as well.

3- Switch on macro protection in Microsoft office as there are certain types of viruses spreading using Microsoft words and excel. Turning on the macro protection means activating the inner protection from the office application.

4- If you are using a free trial antivirus program, ensure that it's active and still working. Usually this kind of free trial softwares can last for 30 to 60 days. Make sure to update it or better yet, pay for the subscribed version.

5- You should never use the links in your inbox to get to a particular website.

6- You should always delete your browsing history. Your browsing history saves your variety of information like the history of visited websites, cookies, pictures of formerly visited websites and various data.

You must buy security protection software for your PC. It is really hard to completely stay away from viruses and spywares without the right protection for your computer.

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How Does an Intrusion Detection System Work?

An Intrusion Detection System is an important component of computer security and is widely used by every company to ensure their network privacy and confidentiality. Every day, it has been observed that there is an increase in the crimes involving hacking and stealing of security information. This is due to the easy accessibility of vulnerable assessment tools.

Corporate networks are expanding at a rapid pace and the programs running on these networks have become more and more valuable. All employees in a company who have access to the company's computers make use of the company's network. These employees are all linked to a single network and when the cyber security of the company's network is insufficient, a threat to the one of the network's program may cause the whole system to collapse. A simple system failure such as this creates a huge impact on the company costing it huge amounts of money and costing it lengthy losses of time. Having an efficient and effective cyber security can help avoid or at least minimize these threats.

Here are some facts about how the Intrusion Detection System works:

1. The Intrusion detection system is designed to keep the system active and operational. The program searches for potential attackers from the outside and then makes sure they are unable to run. They are indeed a vital component of internet security.

2. An IDS basically works as an investigating device that makes sure that the system is not attacked by malicious hackers. These systems investigate data and also judge whether the data is malicious or safe. If the information is malicious, then the data containing the information will be banned and is prevented from entering the network. An IDS works as a gatekeeper between the outside world and the company's internal network.

3. IDS works real-time, therefore it is very thorough in carrying out its data investigation. Members of the company who rely on the company's system such as the IT division, will be greatly affected if the system is taking too slow to operate, so, in addition, the IDS also investigates a number of other internal programs that might affect the speed and functions of their system.

Choosing an IDS for your company/network

IDS is important for any company and its internal network. Not only can it safeguard data, but it can also improve and decrease the amount of time required by the network to start up. Your budget and the kind of network are the basis of choosing what intrusion detection system best fits.

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How to Find Antivirus Protection for Free on the Web

Virus protection is not only a recommended precaution for computers and other devices with internet access, but can be considered essential for protecting your systems from permanent damage and data loss, as well as the risk of your passwords, bank account details and other sensitive information being stolen.

There are countless 'malware' programs and viruses targeting computers all the time, which may spread through websites or email attachments, but fortunately there are also many excellent antivirus programs that are adept at protecting your systems from harm. Even if your computer already has antivirus software installed, it's important to keep it up to date with the latest upgrades and releases, and you could also benefit from having a second antivirus program operating simultaneously - especially in the unlikely event that your antivirus software itself becomes infected.

Antivirus software is easy to install, and if you're obtaining programs from websites, you will usually be guided through the process. However, it's essential to make sure the program you are downloading is genuine. The best way to confirm the authenticity of programs is to only use familiar names from companies you have heard of, and to make sure that the websites you are visiting are official and not sophisticated copies.

With virus protection being such a fundamental part of online browsing safety, many companies feel obliged to offer a free antivirus download. Compared to products purchased from stores and online, these free downloads may be more limited in terms of options and customisable settings, but will still offer a high level of protection for your computer from a wide range of hazards.

If you don't have antivirus software installed, every second your computer, laptop, smartphone or other device is connected to the internet puts you at extreme risk. Installing free antivirus software can help to extend the lifetime of your computer system considerably, by protecting the software as well as the hardware. It's also important to carry out routine scans of your drives to check for viruses you may not have noticed, which could be slowing your system down, hacking your data or causing other harm.

Many antivirus programs allow users to schedule automatic checks at their desired time interval, while others may require manual checks to be carried out. You should also select the option to check for the latest upgrades for your antivirus software, as new threats can infect the dynamic and evolving online world every day.

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Great Level of Data Security Through Next Generation Firewall

Most people rely greatly on internet and computers in their daily lives. A huge quantity of personal information is stored in computer systems or in most people's computers. Almost everything relies on computers nowadays like communication, entertainment, transportation, shopping and the list is big. With so much dependency on the internet, no one wants to put his or her internet security at stake. So, it is necessary to prevent, detect, and respond to attacks that could undermine the safety and security of information. Online and data security crime has continued to increase and financial motivation is fueling the attacks. Therefore, to make use of technology; adopting a data security system is essential.

Network security is highly vital in business. It also aids business to meet its goals. Security mechanisms work together to enhance the growth of business and brings down attempts to disrupt operation and reduce threats.

Firewall security is one key security mechanism safeguarding network. Firewall controls the data flow, which is allowed or blocked. Firewall is highly active, whether used by an individual or network and flowing of data takes place according to the predefined firewall rules.

Next generation firewall (NGWF) - Advance control of data

Technology of firewall has been around for long time. So, researchers have had ample of time to introduce new technology in internet security. Since, the introduction of first generation of firewalls focus is greatly laid on the control of data. But next generation firewall is about allowing more advanced control of data flow. These new firewalls look deeply into the packet's payload before making a decision about blocking or allowing traffic. Quintessentially performing the role, next generation firewall monitors at a finer and granular level.

Advantages of firewall combating threats in today's real world:

Total Network Visibility: This technology lets you have passive, real-time visibility of hosts, applications, operating systems, users, content, attacks, and everything. Control without Compromise: NGFW offer world class prevention due to the granular application and URL access control down to individual user. Intelligent Security Automation: This new firewall offer automatic and more administrative functions. There is no need of people or staff to keep an eye over the threats. Unparalleled Performance: Along with protection, network performance is amazingly preserved by new generation firewall.

New generation firewalls perform application level monitoring, intrusion detection as well as security functions and are gaining pace at the enterprise perimeter. The different security services of the NGFW operate together to offer higher level of security.

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Intrusion Prevention - The Best Protective Shield for the Internet Users

Have you ever wondered why all of a sudden your computer slows down and does not accept any particular command or sometimes you receive any weird mails or messages? This is all because of the interference of any unauthenticated elements into your computer or your internet network.

Every day many people come across many security threats that hinder their normal online activities and cause lots of destruction and losses. To overcome this situation our computer and networks are fortified with the help of the intrusion prevention systems.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) are the network security appliances that monitor the network or the activities of the computer. The supreme functions of an IDPS are to identify the malicious activities, log or extract information about the activities, attempt to block or stop them and report the activities.

The best part of the network security, the Intrusion Prevention Systems are so designed to protect your vital information from unauthorized access, damage or disruption. Intrusion prevention technology is considered as an extension of the intrusion detection (IDS) technology, but is actually another way of access control like the firewall security supports.

For the best internet security, you must know how Intrusion Prevention System works. Being the part of the network security systems like firewalls, antivirus programs, Intrusion Detection Systems tries to identify attacks as it occurs. Unlike firewalls that stop services by blocking certain port numbers but do little to evaluate traffic by using the allowed port numbers, IDS can evaluate traffic that passes through these open ports but cannot stop it. The Intrusion detection system proactively blocks the attacks.

If you will look into the distinction between the IDS and IPS, you will find that Intrusion Detection Technology is out of the band technology whereas the Intrusion Prevention System performs in-line on the network. The IPS monitors the network very much like the IDS but when an event (the detection) occurs, it takes action on the prescribed rules.

Intrusion Prevention System can be achieved through three main estimations:

1- Crafting the systems without any vulnerability.

2- Can act perfectly by taking the perfect remediation steps remove the threats and patch them.

3- Detecting the attack and exploit attempts and block them before serious damage is done.

IPS functions on the In-line mode i.e. the sensor is placed directly in the network traffic path by inspecting all traffics at wire speed. In-line mode enables the sensor to run in a protection/prevention mode, where packet inspection is performed in real time to drop the malicious packets. This enables it to actually prevent the attack reaching its target.

Therefore with the help of the Intrusion Detection System, your cyber security issues can be easily handled like the breaches of the security policy by the computer user.

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Solutions To Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is an epidemic in the business community. Whether you do most of your business in a brick and mortar storefront or you are strictly web, con artists are going to target you, and they are going to place your customers at risk. Don't let these crooks have the upper hand. Be prepared to deal with it through adequate credit card fraud prevention. Here are some important solutions that you need to be mindful of as you prepare to do business in the 21st Century. Pay heed, for your customers will thank you for the added vigilance, and the transactions that you initiate will always go through.

Solution No. 1: Require identification verification

If you are a brick and mortar storefront, this solution is much easier to come by. Simply post a notice to customers that a photo ID is required for all credit and debit card transactions. Train your customers to expect it, and let them know why you need to meet the requirement. They will appreciate the fact that you are open, honest and upfront with them. From an online perspective, make sure that you require the three digit verification code, so that you know the purchaser has the card in hand. You may also have the buyer answer a security question.

Solution No. 2: Bank identification number databases

BIN number databases are invaluable to the online and the brick and mortar worlds. When you go with a reputable provider, you know right away that your number is legitimate, and that there are no alerts set up revealing a card as lost or stolen. Some databases save money by running a slow to update product. This may save you a few dollars on the front end, but it will ultimately cost you a sale and, possibly, a customer, should you approve a purchase on a card that has been reported as lost or stolen.

Solution No. 3: Be all inclusive and vigilant

The problem with only taking cash is that it can cost you business, and it does not eliminate the threat of counterfeiting. It is far better as a business to be all inclusive of payment types and to train your employees to be vigilant in the policing of company policies. Think about it from the perspective of the customer. You would not want a business to be so eager to take your money that they neglected your safety. Don't be that business to your customers.

If you can employ all inclusive solutions and stay on top of technology, you can get a leg up on all the scammers that are out there waiting to take advantage. Proactivity beats inactivity any day of the week, and it'll set you apart from the competition.

Why Having a Secure Wireless Network Is Important   SSL Certificates Help You to Secure Yourself and Website to Prevent Holiday Hoaxes This Christmas   How To Avoid Credit Card Fraud   Software License - How to Avoid Future Hassles   Get the Email Protection You Need From a Google Message Security Reseller   When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   

An Introduction To Cyber-Crime

Computer crime refers to criminal activity involving a computer. The computer may be used in the commission of a crime or it may be the target. Net-crime refers to criminal use of the Internet. Cyber-crimes are essentially a combination of these two elements and can be best defined as "Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly using modern telecommunication networks such as the Internet (Chat rooms, emails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS)". [1]

In its most simple form, cyber-crime can be defined as any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of function. The U.S. Department of Justice broadens this definition to include any illegal activity that uses a computer for the storage of evidence. The term 'cyber-crime' can refer to offenses including criminal activity against data, infringement of content and copyright, fraud, unauthorized access, child pornography and cyber-stalking.

The United Nations Manual on the Prevention and Control of Computer Related Crime includes fraud, forgery and unauthorized access in its definition of cyber-crime. Cyber-crime in effect covers a wide range of attacks on individuals and organisations alike. These crimes may include anything from an individual's emotional or financial state to a nation's security.

There are two main categories that define the make up of cyber-crimes. Firstly those that target computer networks or devices such as viruses, malware, or denial of service attacks. The second category relate to crimes that are facilitated by computer networks or devices like cyber-stalking, fraud, identity-theft, extortion, phishing (spam) and theft of classified information.

In order to highlight the scale of cyber-crime globally, the Norton Cyber-crime Report 2011 revealed 431 million adults in 24 countries had been victims' of cyber-crime in that year. Computer based crime is escalating at an alarming rate. In the report Norton calculated the financial cost of global cyber-crime at $388 billion. This is more than the combined international market for marijuana, heroin and cocaine, estimated at $288 billion. Assuming its current growth rate continues, cyber-crime will soon surpass the entire global drug trafficking market that is estimated to be worth $411 billion annually.

Cyber-crimes have expanded to include activities that cross international borders and can now be considered a global epidemic. The international legal system ensures cyber criminals are held accountable through the International Criminal Court. Law enforcement agencies are faced with unique challenges and the anonymity of the Internet only complicates the issues. There are problems with gathering evidence, cross-jurisdictional issues and miscommunication related to reporting.

It is widely known that victims of Internet crimes are often reluctant to report an offence to authorities. In some cases the individual or organization may not even be aware a crime has been committed. Even though facilities for reporting incidents of cyber-crime have improved in recent years many victims remain reluctant due essentially to embarrassment.

International cooperation is essential if an effective response is to be found against global cyber-crime. No nation can expect to effectively combat the issue alone. Many computer based crimes are initiated 'off-shore' and this presents enormous challenges to any nations law enforcement agencies. It is critical that agencies from around the world formulate actionable plans to detect, follow, arrest and prosecute cyber criminals.

For example, in the past two years Australia has adopted the National Criminal Intelligence Fusion Capability, a key element of the Commonwealth Organized Crime Strategic Framework (COCSF). This body brings together expertise, data and technology across a range of government and law enforcement agencies and enables international collaboration.

The problem of cyber-crime seems almost immeasurable in size. Looking at recent trends and advances in mobile technology and cloud computing we realize it is an ever-evolving and rapidly changing dynamic. There is growing evidence globally of newly formed partnerships between government and industry aimed at prevention. These partnerships create opportunities to share information and bolster law enforcement response to organized Internet-based crime.

This sharing of information creates concerns in its self. It is an extremely complex and sensitive issue. A balance must be found in efficiently maximizing distribution of information and protecting it from the organized cyber-criminal element.

Cyber-crime covers such a broad scope of criminal enterprise. The examples mentioned above are only a few of the thousands of variants of illegal activities commonly classed as cyber-crimes. Computers and the Internet have improved our lives in many ways, unfortunately criminals now make use of these technologies to the detriment of society.

[1] Halder, D., & Jaishankar, K. (2011) Cyber crime and the Victimization of Women: Laws, Rights and Regulations. Hershey PA, USA: IGI Global. ISBN: 978-1-60960-830-9

Why Having a Secure Wireless Network Is Important   SSL Certificates Help You to Secure Yourself and Website to Prevent Holiday Hoaxes This Christmas   How To Avoid Credit Card Fraud   Software License - How to Avoid Future Hassles   Get the Email Protection You Need From a Google Message Security Reseller   When It Comes to Protecting Your Personal Information or "Identity", Here's What You Need to Know   

Website Security Assessment - Secure Your Website Following Some Simple Procedures

In the recent years, cyber crime has increased to a great extent. With the dependence of the organizations and businesses on the internet, the rate of security threats has increased a great deal thereby causing a threat to the personal and confidential information of the owners as well as the customers. Therefore, it is important that the website owners pay more emphasis on selecting some effective procedures that can help them in enhancing the security of their online business.

Most of the website owners avoid spending a huge sum of money on website security however I must tell you that it is of utmost importance. By not going for website security these owners are taking a huge risk. Website security assessment plays an important role in identifying the security needs of your website and allows you to select some effective methods in order to keep your data safe from unauthorized access. Some effective steps that can help you in assessing and enhancing the security of your website include the following.

Identify Weaknesses

The best way to assess the weaknesses of your security system is to either hire a professional to conduct the process or set up your own information technology department for this purpose. Hiring a third party is more beneficial as it would make up for the shortcoming of the security system after analyzing the complete system. This would reduce the extent of the vulnerabilities and keep your system network safe and sound.

Mitigate Vulnerabilities

After identifying the potential vulnerabilities, you should take effective steps to overcome them. In order to get the problems fixed, you need to analyze your budget. If the budget is not the limiting factor you can fix all the issues but in case budget is the limitation, you should try to fix the vulnerabilities that are cost effective. The best way to get it done is to get your security software and operating system updated. Updating the software reduces the possibilities of unauthorized access and tampering with your data. You can also look into the issues that can be fixed without spending much money.

Conduct Follow - Ups

The most common problem faced by the organizations is to properly conduct the follow-up process. They are not able to analyze whether the mitigation measures are effective or not. Proper follow up process is the key to long-term security and safety. Therefore, the owners of the organization should consult the experts for carrying out the follow up process and ensure that the implemented changes are working properly.

These website security assessment procedures will surely keep your network and data safe from intruders.

Why Having a Secure Wireless Network Is Important   SSL Certificates Help You to Secure Yourself and Website to Prevent Holiday Hoaxes This Christmas   How To Avoid Credit Card Fraud   Software License - How to Avoid Future Hassles   Get the Email Protection You Need From a Google Message Security Reseller   

Why You May Want to Hide Your IP

Your IP address is the numerical address that servers use to send information when you request it. You can think of it like the return address on a postal letter. If you didn't have this address on the letters that you sent, you wouldn't be able to get information sent back to you if you requested it. A VPN service allows you to use an IP address that keeps you anonymous. The reason that "anonymous" is used to describe what a VPN service does is because your IP address can reveal quite a bit of information about you, much of which you probably do not want revealed at all.

What's In a Number?

Your IP address has a lot of information in it if you know what you're looking for. First, each block of IP addresses belongs to certain entities. Someone can easily find out who provides your Internet service just by having your IP.

Second, your IP address does actually reveal your location, provided the person intercepting it knows how to decipher this information. This is why you oftentimes see ads on Internet sites that are targeted toward your geographic areas. Visit some news sites from Chicago, for instance, and they might display a special page for Chicago news. Visit them from Denver and you'll get a different page.

In the worst-case scenario, a hacker can use your IP address to attack your computer directly. They may also use it to get at any home networks you have set up. They can see what services are running on computers at your home and use the holes in those services to gain access to your digital resources. This, obviously, is a very bad situation for most users.

You should have your systems protected against intrusion, for just this reason. This is the role of firewall software, which monitors the traffic in and out of your network and makes sure that everything is legitimate. To make your security situation even better, however, you can simply use a VPN service to make sure that no one can see your IP address to begin with. Not having an address to attack, of course, means that there's no way that they can access your resources.

An IP address that originates from your VPN service will not be one that can be traced back to you. You can browse to your heart's content without having to worry that someone will be able to find out where your request came from, what address they'd want to check if they were intent on attacking you and so forth.

Hiding your IP address is one of the best ways to make being online safer and more enjoyable. If you're interested in making sure that no one can find you, having a VPN service is one of the best ways to go about it. With these services, you can be sure that you're not hanging out there every time you visit a website and that you're not overly vulnerable to being attacked.

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